The Pledge of Independence yet to be completed

Yes, we are the largest democracy in the world, and with a great principle of UNITY IN DIVERSITY. We are so diverse that we have mountains, rivers, plains, and also coastal areas, we have islands such as Andaman and Nicobar which are the heavens on the earth. We have urban as well as culture motivated rural areas and we have many known languages in our country that make everyone feel special and part of this integral part of INDIA that we call from history BHARAT. We got the independence on 15 august 1947 with a view of the development of every citizen and respect of every religion, we were separated by the Britisher in the name of religion and that's the true unlucky story of our land’s partition and becoming of Pakistan. Our first prime minister Shree PANDIT JAWAR LAL NEHRU and a population of 36.1 crores citizen adhered to the supreme law of the country "THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA", we took an oath that we will live together under the heaven called INDIA. With the welco...